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City Notices and Other Documents

3-4-1 No owner shall allow their dog to run at large within Corsica city limits.

3-4-2 No person having in his possession any vicious or dangerous dog shall allow the dog to be upon any public street, alley, or ground within city limits.

3-4-3 Owner shall register, license, and tag their dog at $3 each with the City of Corsica and renew yearly. Renewals: $3 each; receipt will be sent. New Licenses/Tags: $3 each, with the following information attached: Breed, color, name of dog, photo & proof of vaccination; a tag and receipt will be sent to you.

3-4-4 Records of all licensed and tagged dogs shall be kept in the City Office.

3-4-5 Law enforcement is authorized to kill, remove and bury any dog running at large, contrary to above provisions.

3-4-6 Any person violating above provisions shall be fined not less than $20 nor more than $100 upon conviction thereof.


City Dump Policy
An Adobe Reader Document



NO PARKING on emergency routes, Main St.(Hwy 281 to Napoleon), and N. Dakota Ave. (1st to 5th St.) after a snowfall, to aid with snow removal.

Personal snow removal is to be piled on your own property, not on corners or pushed onto the street.

Any snow over 2" ~~ Move all vehicles from streets for snow removal: North/South streets wil be done first, followed by East/West streeets.

All vehicles in violation are subject to $100 fine. (Ordinance 15-1-2)

Your cooperation will be appreciated.
Corsica City Council


Wastewater System

Don’t be fooled. Flushable items are not flushable!

The City of Corsica in being negatively impacted by items being flushed down the toilet. Please do NOT flush wipes of any kind down the toilet. The only flushable item is toilet paper. Please dispose of wipes, paper towels, tissues, napkins and the like in the trash.

Many products these days are marketed as flushable. From disposable toilet bowl cleaners to wipes that clean your “bum”. The City of Corsica want you to know that these items can’t be flushed. Some of these items claim they dissolve enough to make it down your toilet but they re-form once they enter the sewer and can cause sewer back up and damage pumping equipment.

The City of Corsica has compiled a list of the items that do not dissolve in the sewer and can cause sewer backups in your home or neighborhood.

Do not flush list:

diapers paper towels facial tissue cotton swabs
baby wipes adult wipes hygiene wipes hair
gum wrappers candy wrappers facial pads dental floss
floss picks cigarettes kitty litter cleaning wipes
medicated needles cooking grease